Semuliki National Park – The True Birders’ Haven

The lastly opened park, Semuliki was a reserve created in 1932 and later upgraded to be a national park in 1993. It lies between 670-760m above sea level. This Park occupies the floor of the Semuliki Valley just north of the Rwenzori Mountains.

The landscape and vegetation are an extension of the great Ituri Forest of the Congo. It is the only piece of true lowland tropical forest in East Africa. Two Hot springs resembling geysers bubble up from below showing the powerful forces that have shaped the rift valley during the last many million years.

Biodiversity: Semuliki is one of Africa’s oldest and bio-diverse forests with 441 recorded birds including Congo Serpent Eagle, Blue billed Malimbe and the Yellow throated Nicator. There are 60 animals include nine species of Duikers, elephants, the forest buffalos, leopards, pygmy hippos, bush babies, Mona Monkeys, civets, the Pygmy Flying Squirrel (Idiuus zenkeri)

Size: 220km²

Location: Western Uganda, north of the Rwenzori Mountains and close to the Congo border

Accessibility: Entebbe-Kampala-Fort Portal-Bundibugyo 390km

Tourism activities: Bird watching, nature walks to the hot springs, community visits, cultural experiences and performances (Batwa / Pygmies and locals).